Send an SMS

Use the API to send an SMS message to a recipient's mobile device.

[POST] https://api-eu1.stannp.com/v1/sms/create


test optional If set to true, the SMS message will not be sent and there will be no charge.
phone_number optional The recipient's phone number. Required if recipient_id is not provided.
recipient_id optional ID of a recipient that has already been added to your account. Required if phone_number is not provided.
message mandatory The message to be sent. You can use template tags if using recipient_id (e.g., Hi {firstname}).
country optional A 2-character country code (e.g., GB, FR, DE). Defaults to your account region.


                import requests

data = {
    "phone_number": "12345678901",\n    "message": "Hello World",\n

response = requests.post("https://api-eu1.stannp.com/v1/sms/create?api_key={API_KEY}", data=data)


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 0,
        "recipient_id": 0,
        "phone_number": "01234567890",
        "from": "STANNP",
        "profile_id": 3,
        "usage_campaign_id": 0,
        "profile_type": "sender_id",
        "message": "Hello World",
        "message_parts": 1,
        "cost": 0.058,
        "destination_country": "GB",
        "status": "test",
        "campaign_id": 0,
        "created": "2024-07-25T16:16:28+00:00",
        "updated": ""