Create a recipient event

A recipient event can be used for tracking campaign engagement and conversions. Events can also be recorded so communication can be triggered automatically.

[POST] https://api-us1.stannp.com/v1/recipientEvents/create


recipient_id string An id of the recipient. This needs to be the recipient_id or the alternative reference id which can be used to match an id from a different system.
name string Name the event. For example: PURCHASE, SIGNUP, PAGE_VIEW, PRODUCT_VIEW, PRODUCT_TO_BASKET.
value string Add value information. For example, the value of the purchase or the product name.
conversion bool True or false. Is this a conversion event (e.g., purchasing or a signup)? Defaults to false.
data string Any extended data you wish to store about this event for automation tasks or dynamic templating.
ref string Can be a campaign reference id or a mailpiece reference id. If left empty, we will use any recent communication to allocate as a reference.


                import requests

data = {
    "name": "PURCHASE",\n    "value": "24.99",\n    "conversion": "true",\n    "recipient_id": "12345",\n

response = requests.post("https://api-us1.stannp.com/v1/recipientEvents/create?api_key={API_KEY}", data=data)


    "success": true,
    "data": 266